Welcome to the new La Manga Rent a Car web site
We have the pleasure to announce that ou rnew website is online. After a few months the result of our work is finally completed. We hope our new web site will be liked by our clients.
Besides a completely new look, we have developed a system that will allow you to book your car hire and your transfers.
The site is divided in different sections:
- Car hire. Check out our fleet, get a quote and make a booking.
- Taxi / transfer. Obtain a quote for your your taxi or transfer needs. If the trip you need is not quoted, you will be able to send us a quote request.
- Car sales. As you know, we at La Manga Rent a Car renew part our fleet every year Browse the models we have available for sale.
- Company. A small hsitory of our company and a look at our offices.
- Contact. Find out your most convenient way to get in toch with us.
- Blog. If you are reading this post, you already know our blog. Here you will find news about La Manga Rent a Car, our area and articles about any and all things that might be of interest to you. ¡Come back soon and check for new posts!
This site has just been put online, and we imagine some small glitches may have been overlooked. We welcome any idea, suggestion or correction. Please send us your feedback to christophe@lamangarentacar.com
Kind Regards,
La Manga Rent a Car.
By Christophe Baton Dumont.
Feb 17 2013 - 12:12pm